Translation for Massive Open Online Courses

Translation for Massive Open Online Courses (TraMOOC) aims at tackling this impediment by developing high-quality translation of all types of text genre included in MOOCs from English into eleven European and BRIC languages that constitute strong use cases, are hard to translate into, and have weak MT support.


Semantic Web for Information Management in Energy Efficient Buildings.

QT21: Quality Translation 21

QT21 developed substantially improved statistical and machine-learning based translation models for challenging languages and resource scenarios and improved evaluation and continuous learning from mistakes.


Quality-centric Software and Data Engineering.

POPULate AsymmeTric mobile gamEs

An Innovation Action in the field of mobile games. The project focuses on innovation, by combining a multi-devices approach to game design with a state of the art crowd simulation technology, and so favor a game with a simple gameplay.