Workshop: Citizens’ Think-Ins for Public Engagement with Artificial Intelligence

02 May 2023

You are invited to join a workshop on ADAPT’s Citizens’ Think-Ins as a method for engaging the public in dialogue about research. The workshop takes place in the CHQ Building, Custom House Quay, Dublin 1 on 1 June 2023.

A detailed event outline will follow, but the event will feature perspectives from participants in the 2022/2023 series and our evaluation partner: Sticky Dot. Lunch and refreshments on arrival will be provided.

To ensure that we have sufficient time to guarantee accessibility requirements, we invite you to register as soon as possible. Register:

This is a Save the Date flyer. At the top, there is an ADAPT Centre #DiscussAI Think-Ins logo on the left and a Science Foundation Ireland logo on the right. In the top third of the flyer, there is an image of two women talking at a Think-In discussion event. One woman is facing the camera and the other has her back to the camera. In the background, there is a man in a yellow t-shirt. In a green box in the middle of the flyer, text reads: Citizens’ Think-Ins for Public Engagement. You are invited to take part in an interactive workshop that will consider ADAPT’s Citizens’ Think-Ins as a method for engaging the public in discussions about STEM research. Below the green box, there is a white section which contains the following event details: 1 June 2023, 11.00-1.00pm. The Liffey Room, CHQ Building, Dublin 1. 
Event Outline: 10.30 - Registration & Coffee, 11.00 - Event, 12.45 Lunch
At the bottom left, there is an ADAPT Engaging Content Engaging People logo and the text: For queries, please contact