Location: Trinity Long Room Hub

Date: 11 Jun

The advent of GDPR, growing consumer concern about personal data breaches and increased public policy focus on the ethical implications of big data and AI are rapidly becoming a priority for businesses of all sizes. This workshop brings together a variety of experts to discuss the current landscape in ethics, data and cybersecurity with business stakeholders.

This day-and-a-half workshop will give businesses the opportunity to hear from and engage with international experts on the impact and challenges of ethics, privacy and cybersecurity issues through the following themed sessions:

  • Setting the scene of ethics and privacy practice in Big Data and AI.
  • Skills and training to address the ethics, privacy and cybersecurity issues.
  • Ethics in Cybersecurity: research and practice in Europe
  • Managing Data Privacy: multinational enterprise perspective
  • Ethical Hacking: challenges and training
  • Policy and Regulatory perspective

Register online.


Tuesday 11th June 2019

09.30-10.00 Registration
10.00-10.10: Welcome, Professor Bert Gordijn, DCU Institute of Ethics
10.10-10.45: Landscape in Big Data and AI Ethics policy: Professor Dave Lewis, ADAPT Centre
10.45-11.20: Data Ethics and Privacy in Practice: Dr Katherine O’Keefe, CastleBridge Associates
11.20-12.30: Skills and Training in Ethics, Privacy and Cybersecurity: High-level briefing on national and international training initiatives and QA. (Panel to be announced)
12.10-13.30: Lunch and Showcase
13.30-14.15: Ethics in Cybersecurity:

Professor Markus Christen – CANVAS – Business and Policy Landscape: Where Europe is at the moment in terms of their research agenda, what the role of CANVAS is, the status quo, how the EC will use the results of CANVAS to formulate deeper research and implement policies and what the follow up of CANVAS will be.

14:15 -14:45: Launch of DCU MA in Data Protection and Privacy Law

Dr Rob Brennan, ADAPT DCU, School of Computing – Data Governance, GDPR and Cybersecurity.
Dr John Quinn, DCU School of Law and Government – Data Privacy: The Role of Law.

14.45-15.15: Coffee Break
15.15-16.15: Privacy Research:

Dr Petros Efstathopoulos, Symantec – Privacy Research in Symantec Research Labs I.
Dr Johann Roturier, Symantec – Privacy Research in Symantec Research Labs II.

Wednesday 12th June 2019

09.00-10.45: Ethical Hacking:

Erka Koivunen CISO F-Secure – Teaching Ethical hacking as a matter of assurance, risk and auditing in business.
Florian Grunow ERNW (PEN Tester) – Ethical Considerations from a Pentester’s Perspective.

10-45-11.15: Coffee
11.15-13.00: Policy and Regulatory Perspective

Cosmin Ciobanu ENISA – Vulnerability Disclosure & Ethics.

13:00 Workshop wrap up

The Canvas Project

This international and interdisciplinary workshop is part of a series of events organized by the Horizon 2020 project CANVAS. The goal of CANVAS is to inform deciders and policymakers about issues at the intersection of ethics and cybersecurity by creating briefing packages, whitepapers, and materials for teaching (MOOC, reference curriculum, and a book). Our event brings together scholars and practitioners. This includes actors who need protection for themselves or for their organization as well as those who have to deal with the consequences of untraceability and online anonymity.