Artificial Intelligence - building awareness for 21st century teaching | online workshop

A teal and gray background with a blurred image of a person's hands working on a laptop. The text "AI-BUILDING AWARENESS FOR 21ST CENTURY TEACHING AND LEARNING" is in large white letters across the top. A green to white gradient bar is in the middle of the image, and the text "TUESDAY 25TH MARCH ONLINE SESSION 7-9PM" is in white letters at the bottom.

Oide Creativity, in collaboration with the ADAPT research centre, present an online elective workshops, open to all teachers.

This workshop offers participants an opportunity to:

  •  recognise how algorithms and AI shape online information and mis/disinformation
  •  explore digital resources to improve student AI literacy
  •  reflect on classroom strategies to foster critical thinking about AI

Date and times: 

Tuesday 25th March 2025 at 7 pm to 9 pm

Venue: Online via ZOOM


Sign up at

Workshop led by Prof Aphra Kerr (Algowatch, ADAPT UCD) and Dr Cara Greene (ADAPT DCU)