ADAPT DCU Academic Presents Seminar on Enhancing User Search Experience using Conversational Agent Support
ADAPT Academic Prof. Gareth Jones (Dublin City University) presented the seminar “Examining the Potential for Enhancing User Search Experience using Conversational Agent Support” at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan on 4th August 2023.
Information retrieval systems are designed to cater to a user’s information need by returning items potentially relevant to this need in response to the user query. This seminar with Prof. Jones described experimental work on user-centred conversational search undertaken within the ADAPT Centre and carried out with former ADAPT member Dr. Abhishek Kaushik (now Programme Director of Data Analytics and Assistant Lecturer at Dundalk Institute of Technology).
This research studied user response to the use of a prototype conversation search system accessed using a multiview conversational search interface and contrasted this with an equivalent system using a conventional search engine interface. Experimental results demonstrated the potential for improved user search experience using conversational engagement.