Not sure if an Electric Vehicle fits your travel needs? Let TRACT EV, a smartphone app give you insights tailored to your needs!

22 May 2024

Not sure if an Electric Vehicle fits your travel needs? Let TRACT EV, a smartphone app, give you insights tailored to your needs!

The TRACT EV app is a product of an interdisciplinary project called TRAnsport Behaviour Change Trials (TRACT). Designed and built by Dr Ivan Bacher, a Senior Research Engineer in the Design and Innovation Lab in the ADAPT Centre, it serves as a tool to capture the driving distances of car users and provides personalised insights on the potential cost savings and emission reductions achievable through switching to an EV. Additionally, users receive tailored recommendations regarding charging requirements based on their driving patterns. The app is currently available on both the Google Play Store and the Apple Store.

Get started now:

[Download link for Android users] | [Download link for iOS users]