
Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Status: Former Member

Email Address: [email protected]

She has been working as a postdoctoral researcher at Trinity College, Dublin since June 15th 2022, after being selected jointly by Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) and ELITE-S ADAPT Centre Trinity College. Her research project is ‘Personalisation of Relapse Risk in Autoimmune Disease: PARADISE study’ under the supervision of Professor (Dr) Mark Little (A clinician scientist with a research focus on rare autoimmune disease) and Dr James Ng (A statistician based in the school of Computer Science and Statistics in TCD). She had been working as an Assistant Professor and later as Associate Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science at EMEA College of Arts and Science, Kondotty Kerala, India since 2005. She started her career as a system administrative trainee in the Department of Supercomputer Education and Research Centre(SERC) of Indian Institute of Science(IISC) , Bangalore, India in 2005. She did M.Phil. in Data Mining in Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India in 2008 and she was awarded Ph.D. by Kannur University, India in Data Mining in 2017. She has been serving as a reviewer in different international journals including Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MBEC , Springer Nature), IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (Formerly known as IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine) and IEEE Software etc.

Research Domains
  • Data Analytics
  • Knowledge & Data Engineering
  • Machine Learning

Publications by Jamsheela