Ali Karaali

Research Fellow

Status: Former Member

Email Address: [email protected]

Ali has been working in ADAPT Trinity College Dublin as a Research Fellow for 3+ years conducting research on machine learning, with a focus on deep learning. He holds a PhD degree in computer science and has experience in various collaborative machine learning research projects as a researcher and/or co-advisor.

He has a deep enthusiasm for machine learning, whereby he trains computer models using representative data to perform human-level evaluation instead of programming them explicitly for a given task. He has pursued this enthusiasm for over a decade, most often for the development of visual-related technologies, but also in other applications such as audio an/or multi model audio-visual technologies.

Research Domains
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Audio
  • Data Analytics
  • Deep Learning
  • Image and Video processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Statistics

Publications by Ali Karaali