Are you intrigued by the role Artificial Intelligence-enabled devices like phones, fitness trackers and smart speakers play in our lives?
Would you like to be part of the discussion around the ethics of AI technology? Join ADAPT’s programme of #DiscussAI events to find out more.

Programme of Events
#DiscussAI is a national conversation about Artificial Intelligence (AI), exploring AI’s impact on our lives and society.
Through #DiscussAI events, ADAPT researchers are engaging individuals and communities across the Ireland in conversations that raise and answer questions on AI, and generate ideas for new research.
We would love to welcome you at one of our future events. Sign up to our mailing list to be the first to hear about our plans.
Look back at previous events (pdf)
#DiscussAI: 2025 Programme
For Post-Primary TeachersAI Literacy in the Classroom
Post-primary teachers are invited to join a training initiative that will boost their AI literacy and help them empower their students to use AI critically. The training is developed by ADAPT and supported by Google. In-person workshops and a short online course will equip teachers with essential AI knowledge and practical insights to navigate AI and guide students to use AI-powered tools safely and ethically.
For Secondary SchoolsAll Ireland Linguistics Olympiad Workshops
Sign up to host or attend a free STEAM linguistic problem-solving workshop in your school. Open all to all secondary schools on the island of Ireland.
The All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO) introduces students to linguistics (i.e. the study of human language) and to the application of logic to problems of language understanding and translation. The goal is to develop students’ problem-solving skills and to inspire them to consider the fascinating range of careers at the intersection of computing, linguistics and language.
For Secondary SchoolsAI in My Life
AI in My Life is a teacher-led classroom workshop series. Teachers don’t need any prior knowledge of AI in order to deliver the programme. The course toolkits will provide teachers with background information and a walkthrough of each of the modules. We will also be available if you have questions at education@adaptcentre.ie.
Our AI Ambassadors can visit your school if you’d like in-person support.
For Primary SchoolsTechnology in My Life
ADAPT’s new ‘Technology in My Life’ programme engages primary school students (aged 10-13 years) in teacher-led workshops on the ethical use of technology.
These modular teacher-led workshops explore how to use technology in an ethically correct manner and in accordance with the moral and ethical standards of the school, the children’s home, and society in general.
For All the FamilyArt or AI? The Museum of Very Modern Art
The ‘Art or AI?’ Museum of Very Modern Art challenges you to spot if its artworks have been created by a human hand or generated by artificial intelligence.
AI-generated art tools like DALL-E, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion are changing how we view art and creativity. But as humans, how good are we at distinguishing a classic from an artwork generated by a machine?
For Secondary SchoolsTY Linguistics Module
A free Transition Year Linguistics module consisting of 10 topics covering topics such as phonetics, writing systems and language acquisition has been developed by the ADAPT All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO).
The module was funded by Post-Primary Languages Ireland (PPLI) and uses AILO puzzles so that students can get hands-on experience of linguistic problem-solving.
27 September 2024#ExploreAI @ Start Talking About Research
#ExploreAI is a family-friendly exhibition that will be open to the public on Friday, 27 September between 4 – 8pm in the Douglas Hyde Gallery in Trinity College Dublin for START: European Researchers’ Night 2024.
Full programme now availalbe.
1 – 17 November 2024Beta Festival
The Beta Festival explores the impact of emerging technologies on society with debates, live performances and exhibitions at The Digital Hub and the surrounding area of Dublin 8 again this year. ADAPT is proud to be research partner for this, Ireland’s only festival of art and technology.
Click for full programme.
10 -17 NovemberADAPT @ Science Week 2024
Science Week Ireland 2024 will take place from 10th – 17th November and will explore the theme ‘Regeneration’.
From protecting nature, creating more sustainable approaches to materials and energy supply, developing new solutions for health and healing, and developing new ways of understanding our world, it’s time to reimagine our approaches and grow our shared strengths.
ADAPT’s programme for Science Week 2024 will be announced soon.
20 September 2024Culture Night
Can you tell your Dalís from your DALL-Es?
Join us at Dublin City University on Culture Night to determine whether artworks are human-made or AI-generated and to try out some image generation tools and interactive games for yourself.
July 2024IOL – Brasília
Four students will represent Ireland at the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL), taking place in the Brasília in July 2024.
The Irish team is made up of the top four students from the 2024 All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO) which is run by ADAPT, the SFI Research Centre for AI-Driven Digital Content Technology, at DCU.
Check out these highlights from past #DiscussAI programme
Kerry, 2023Citizens’ Think-Ins
Older people have their say on technology use at a #DiscussAI Think-In at the Centre for Smart Ageing in Farranfore, County Kerry. The public discussion was intended to gauge the opinions and experiences of older people on digital technologies.
The discussion is part of the ongoing ADAPT Centre’s Citizens’ Think-Ins, which is an initiative that seeks to explore attitudes and adoption of the broad range of new technologies available to support active and healthy ageing in Ireland.
until end January 2022BIAS
Check out ADAPT installations at BIAS: Built This Way at Science Gallery Dublin, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 until end of January 2022.
The exhibition interrogates how prejudice can move quickly from human to machine as algorithms and artificial intelligence systems are encoded by humans with very human values, preferences and predispositions.
16 November 2022All The World’s A Screen
For Science Week 2020, SignON presents an art-science event that combines artificial intelligence with Shakespeare. Alvean Jones and Lianne Quigley will perform some of the most iconic scenes from Shakespeare in Irish Sign Language for a unique audience of people and machines.
Artificially intelligent apps will watch the performance with you, so that you get to see what a machine sees when it watches theatre. The performance will be followed by a discussion on artificial intelligence and sign language machine translation. This event includes ISL interpreters.