Posted: 26/10/18
The 3rd annual Huawei Video Intelligence Forum recently took place in Trinity College Dublin in collaboration with the ADAPT Centre. The forum, titled ‘Impact of AI on Computer Vision Surveillance and Camera Technology’, focused on how artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving to enable surveillance cameras analyse live video with no human input necessary.
The event highlighted how digital surveillance has both positive and negative connotations: it can help police and first responders react quicker resulting in better public safety; but it also raises serious questions about privacy and poses new risks to social justice.
Computer vision is a combination of several technologies combined to form a new tool that can process and analyse images, and then automate using machine learning techniques, what human visual analysis can perform. With each image that is processed, the algorithms that underpin the computer vision platforms refine the technique and improve, leading to better results with the more content it has.
The forum presented a unique mix of experts at the interface of video and computer vision who discussed how technology and responsible innovation can augment human analysts. Through panel discussions and keynotes, the event explored how computer vision has the potential to reshape a range of industries. The talks featured the ADAPT Centre’s Professor Rozenn Dahyot looked at people search, sensing and understanding the world with AI, and Professor Luc Van Gool of ETH Zurich, a world-renowned leader in AI and Machine Learning, who discussed the impact it has on society.
The annual event aims to position Ireland internationally as one of the best countries for video, media, and surveillance research by featuring leading academics and innovative start-ups working in the space. In 2016 Huawei announced the opening of their video research lab in Dublin, a decision that was based on the surrounding environment and the world-class talent.
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